Composer at Work (2017)
Composer at Work (2017)
Night Song (from "Nightsongs") by H. Leslie Adams

Fred C. VanNess Jr., tenor
Anthony R. Green, piano
video: Scott Quade

Castle of our Skins
Roxbury Community College
March 2016

Improvisation (2017)
Improvisation (2017)

Studio improvisation
Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
October 2017

Photo by Colin Conces

Conclusion of "Piano Concerto: Solution"
Conclusion of "Piano Concerto: Solution"

Final moments of Piano Concerto: Solution, performed by Dr. Eunmi Ko and members of the McCormick Percussion Group, November 2019; photo by Benjamin D. Whiting

Intro Speech
Intro Speech

Freedom Rising, 2016
Presented by:
Castle of our Skins
Museum of African American History
Boston, MA

photo credit:
Monika Bach Schroeder

Sketch (2016)
Sketch (2016)

Charcoal Sketch,
by Kirsty Whiten
Cove Park, Scotland

Gettysburg Contemplation (2019)
Gettysburg Contemplation (2019)

Taken at the Gettysburg National Military Park, during a residency sponsored by the National Parks Arts Foundation. Hear more about the experience by listening to this Big Blend Radio interview (click the video play links)

Performing (2017)
Performing (2017)

At the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
for the Art, Empathy, and Ethos residency
Open House/Open Studios event
October 2017

Photo by Brendan Hoffman

In Kumasi (2021)
In Kumasi (2021)

At the perfocraZe International Artist Residency in Kumasi, Ghana; Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT), artistic director

With George Crumb
With George Crumb

Boulder, CO


Occupy Denver
Screenshot from music video to
99th Problem
November 2011

3 Vignettes of Job
3 Vignettes of Job

Scene from 3 Vignettes of Job
ATLAS Blackbox Theater,
University of Colorado at Boulder
April 2011

Photo credit: Ursula Mains

"I was naked, and you clothed me" (2021)
"I was naked, and you clothed me" (2021)

Still from the premiere performance of “I was naked, and you clothed me” (performance art) at the perfocraZe International Artist Residency in Kumasi, Ghana, July 2021.

Four Parts: ZOOM IN (2018)
Four Parts: ZOOM IN (2018)
Four Composers and a Pianist (2022)
Four Composers and a Pianist (2022)

Anthony R. Green, Jason Eckardt, Jason Hardink (pianist), Inés Thiebaut, and Steve Roens at Westminster College (Salt Lake City), just outside of the Vieve Gore concert hall after Jason H.’s Day 2 Performance of his Concord Revisited Project, 22 March 2022.

Selfie with George Lewis (2020)
Selfie with George Lewis (2020)

Berlin, Germany


MassQ by Daniel Callahan
December 2015
Roxbury, MA

Face to Name (2022)
Face to Name (2022)

Anthony R. Green stands in front of the “Concord Revisited” project banner, and points to his last name.

Composer at Work (2017)
Night Song (from "Nightsongs") by H. Leslie Adams
Improvisation (2017)
Conclusion of "Piano Concerto: Solution"
Intro Speech
Sketch (2016)
Gettysburg Contemplation (2019)
Performing (2017)
In Kumasi (2021)
With George Crumb
3 Vignettes of Job
"I was naked, and you clothed me" (2021)
Four Parts: ZOOM IN (2018)
Four Composers and a Pianist (2022)
Selfie with George Lewis (2020)
Face to Name (2022)
Composer at Work (2017)
Night Song (from "Nightsongs") by H. Leslie Adams

Fred C. VanNess Jr., tenor
Anthony R. Green, piano
video: Scott Quade

Castle of our Skins
Roxbury Community College
March 2016

Improvisation (2017)

Studio improvisation
Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
October 2017

Photo by Colin Conces

Conclusion of "Piano Concerto: Solution"

Final moments of Piano Concerto: Solution, performed by Dr. Eunmi Ko and members of the McCormick Percussion Group, November 2019; photo by Benjamin D. Whiting

Intro Speech

Freedom Rising, 2016
Presented by:
Castle of our Skins
Museum of African American History
Boston, MA

photo credit:
Monika Bach Schroeder

Sketch (2016)

Charcoal Sketch,
by Kirsty Whiten
Cove Park, Scotland

Gettysburg Contemplation (2019)

Taken at the Gettysburg National Military Park, during a residency sponsored by the National Parks Arts Foundation. Hear more about the experience by listening to this Big Blend Radio interview (click the video play links)

Performing (2017)

At the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
for the Art, Empathy, and Ethos residency
Open House/Open Studios event
October 2017

Photo by Brendan Hoffman

In Kumasi (2021)

At the perfocraZe International Artist Residency in Kumasi, Ghana; Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT), artistic director

With George Crumb

Boulder, CO


Occupy Denver
Screenshot from music video to
99th Problem
November 2011

3 Vignettes of Job

Scene from 3 Vignettes of Job
ATLAS Blackbox Theater,
University of Colorado at Boulder
April 2011

Photo credit: Ursula Mains

"I was naked, and you clothed me" (2021)

Still from the premiere performance of “I was naked, and you clothed me” (performance art) at the perfocraZe International Artist Residency in Kumasi, Ghana, July 2021.

Four Parts: ZOOM IN (2018)
Four Composers and a Pianist (2022)

Anthony R. Green, Jason Eckardt, Jason Hardink (pianist), Inés Thiebaut, and Steve Roens at Westminster College (Salt Lake City), just outside of the Vieve Gore concert hall after Jason H.’s Day 2 Performance of his Concord Revisited Project, 22 March 2022.

Selfie with George Lewis (2020)

Berlin, Germany


MassQ by Daniel Callahan
December 2015
Roxbury, MA

Face to Name (2022)

Anthony R. Green stands in front of the “Concord Revisited” project banner, and points to his last name.

show thumbnails